Acid Cigars by Drew Estate

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ACID cigars are among the best cigars I have ever had the pleasure to smoke. Hand made in Nicaragua at the Drew Estate factory, Acid cigars are unique in that the tobacco is cured in a large room called the cuarto armatico (aroma room) for several months prior to being rolled into one of several versions of their famous aromatic cigars. That room is lined with over two hundred different herbs and oils that lend to one very unique tasting line. Acid cigars are made by hand in Nicaragua, using all natural materials only. Each of the acid cigars has a distinct flavor and bouquet, pleasing to the senses of the palate and spirit.

Drew Estate's mantra is "The Rebirth of Cigars" and it rightfully reflects how they approach all the decisions they make and everything they do. Definitely NOT your typical blends in the traditional sense. The ACID lines are a powerhouse of aromatics! Prepare to blow your senses away! Drew Estate offers 4 distinctly different lines offering quite the unique smoking experience.

ACID BLUE (Remi): This line offers sweet and mellow blends, captivating aromas for a relaxing and mild smoking experience.

ACID RED: The Red line gives you a fare warning with their fiery bands to a very intense smoking experience. The RED line is a potent blend of ripe black tobaccos that are not for the timid. Challenge your senses and sample the RED line only if you dare.

ACID GOLD (Holistic): The GOLD line, has a secret blend to soothe your soul and please your palate.

ACID PURPLE (Juggernaut): The Purple line is the "dragon slayer" and will crush all in its path! It is the super star of complex aromatic hybrids and will release the most intense flavors you could fathom.

If you consider yourself a cigar purist and just will not smoke 'flavored cigars', you do not know what you are missing. In our store in Colorado, my family and I have converted more traditional cigar smokers into Drew Estate brand devotees than any other brand we carry. There is a cult-like following for Acid cigars, and pretty much the entire Drew Estate output for that matter. You simply must try an Acid cigar and see what the fuss is all about!



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